
Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

Desain Dapur Minimalis Mungil 2012

Dibawah ini kami tampilkan koleksi berbagai gambar, model, contoh dan desain dari rumah minimalis, semoga membantu anda dalam menetukan perencanaan Anda dalam membangun atau merenovasi sebuah rumah, semoga bermanfaat untuk Anda, jangan lupa sharing, agar blog ini semakin bermanfaat untuk kita semua. Semoga bermanfaat, dan terima kasih.

Desain Dapur Mungil
Desain dapur minimalis mungil yang cukup indah dan berkesan bersih, memang diperuntukkan bagi desain rumah minimalis, namun bagi anda yang ingin menerapkan pada desain rumah selain minimalis juga bisa, karena desain ini cocok diaplikasikan dengan desain apa saja.

Dapur Mungil Minimalis
Salah satu cara untuk menyiasati ruang dapur anda yang memanjang atau menyempit, baik kana kiri dapur tersebut. Desain seperti pada gambar diatas dapat anda jadikan rujukan dalam penataan interior dapur yang anda inginkan, cukup bersih dan rapi dalam penataannya. Dan juga pemanfaatan lahan ruang yang cukup sempit dengan maksimal.

Desain Dapur Minimalis
Atau dengan desain dapur seperti diatas ini. Pemanfaatan ruag pojok pada ruangan yang memang khusus untuk dapur bisa jadi alternatif atau jalan lain dalam pemanfaatan ruang secara maksimal. Bagaimana penataan dapur yang cukup efisien dalam penggunaan tempat yang dimana tempat tersebut relatif sempit.

Dapur Minimalis Modern 2011
Nah, ini juga salah satu cara lain atau alternatif lain dalam pemanfaatan lahan atau ruang yang akan digunakan untuk dapur secara efisien. Bagaimana cara pemanfaatan ruang agar yang dari sempit menjadi terkesan "lebar" dan juga tentu saja faktor kebersihan dan kerapian tetap terjaga. Tips untuk anda, sebenarnya yang menjadikan tempat itu menjadi luas dan lapang sebenarnya terletak dari kerapian dan kebersihan tempat tersebut. Boleh anda praktekan bila anda mengikuti tips dari kami.

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Desain Dapur Minimalis Mungil 2012

Dibawah ini kami tampilkan koleksi berbagai gambar, model, contoh dan desain dari rumah minimalis, semoga membantu anda dalam menetukan perencanaan Anda dalam membangun atau merenovasi sebuah rumah, semoga bermanfaat untuk Anda, jangan lupa sharing, agar blog ini semakin bermanfaat untuk kita semua. Semoga bermanfaat, dan terima kasih.

Desain Dapur Mungil
Desain dapur minimalis mungil yang cukup indah dan berkesan bersih, memang diperuntukkan bagi desain rumah minimalis, namun bagi anda yang ingin menerapkan pada desain rumah selain minimalis juga bisa, karena desain ini cocok diaplikasikan dengan desain apa saja.

Dapur Mungil Minimalis
Salah satu cara untuk menyiasati ruang dapur anda yang memanjang atau menyempit, baik kana kiri dapur tersebut. Desain seperti pada gambar diatas dapat anda jadikan rujukan dalam penataan interior dapur yang anda inginkan, cukup bersih dan rapi dalam penataannya. Dan juga pemanfaatan lahan ruang yang cukup sempit dengan maksimal.

Desain Dapur Minimalis
Atau dengan desain dapur seperti diatas ini. Pemanfaatan ruag pojok pada ruangan yang memang khusus untuk dapur bisa jadi alternatif atau jalan lain dalam pemanfaatan ruang secara maksimal. Bagaimana penataan dapur yang cukup efisien dalam penggunaan tempat yang dimana tempat tersebut relatif sempit.

Dapur Minimalis Modern 2011
Nah, ini juga salah satu cara lain atau alternatif lain dalam pemanfaatan lahan atau ruang yang akan digunakan untuk dapur secara efisien. Bagaimana cara pemanfaatan ruang agar yang dari sempit menjadi terkesan "lebar" dan juga tentu saja faktor kebersihan dan kerapian tetap terjaga. Tips untuk anda, sebenarnya yang menjadikan tempat itu menjadi luas dan lapang sebenarnya terletak dari kerapian dan kebersihan tempat tersebut. Boleh anda praktekan bila anda mengikuti tips dari kami.

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Desain Pagar Minimalis Rumah Sederhana

Dibawah ini kami tampilkan koleksi berbagai gambar, model, contoh dan desain dari rumah minimalis, semoga membantu anda dalam menetukan perencanaan Anda dalam membangun atau merenovasi sebuah rumah, semoga bermanfaat untuk Anda, jangan lupa sharing, agar blog ini semakin bermanfaat untuk kita semua. Semoga bermanfaat, dan terima kasih.

Pagar Minimalis
Suatu desain pagar yang mesti diaplikasikan terhadap rumah berdesain minimalis, kegunaan pagar minimalis ini tidak lain hanyalah sebagai penguat / dukungan terhadap desain rumah kita yang sejak awal sudah berdesain minimalis, dan tentu saja fungsi utama adalah sebagai pintu gerbang masuk menuju rumah kita. Apa jadinya jika desain rumah minimalis hanya memiliki desain pagar yang hanya menggunakan desain biasa saja, akan tidak matching dengan desain rumah, dan akan mengurangi rasa minimalis yang ingin kita terapkan pada desain rumah kita secara menyeluruh.

Desain Pagar Minimalis Modern
Banyak model desain pagar minimalis ini, yang paling cocok dengan desain rumah minimalis yang sudah ada biasanya desain itu seperti gambar diatas. Dengan model besai berjajar rapi, dan penutup sejenis plastik mika atau yang lainnya. Meskipun desain pagar minimalis banyak modelnya, namun yang paling banyak diaplikasikan adalah seperti gambar diatas.

Desain Modern Untuk Pagar Minimalis
Nah ini adalah desain pagar yang cukup istimewa, dengan model yang hampir mirip dengan gambar diatasnya tadi, namun yang unik dari desain pagar ini adalah volume besi berjajar yang digunakan sangan tipis, sehingga hampir menyerupai lidi, atau kayu yang diraut hingga tipis. Namun kelemahan dari model ini adalah, mudah bengkok dan sedikit tidak tahan benturan terhadap benda lain. Kecuali dengan pemilihan pemakaian bahan yang kuat.

Pagar Minimalis 2012

Selain desain yang telah kami sebutkan diatas. Variasi juga dapat anda terapkan pada desain pagar, seperti penambahan satu blok penuh pada bagian bawah pagar, kalau untuk variasi ini, tergantung kesukaan anda mau ditaruh bawah, tengah, atas atau anda kombinasi sendiri dengan gaya anda, asal konsep minimalis pada desain agar tidak anda tinggalkan dalam penerapannya. Semoga bermanfaat.

Rumah Minimalis

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Desain Pagar Minimalis Rumah Sederhana

Dibawah ini kami tampilkan koleksi berbagai gambar, model, contoh dan desain dari rumah minimalis, semoga membantu anda dalam menetukan perencanaan Anda dalam membangun atau merenovasi sebuah rumah, semoga bermanfaat untuk Anda, jangan lupa sharing, agar blog ini semakin bermanfaat untuk kita semua. Semoga bermanfaat, dan terima kasih.

Pagar Minimalis
Suatu desain pagar yang mesti diaplikasikan terhadap rumah berdesain minimalis, kegunaan pagar minimalis ini tidak lain hanyalah sebagai penguat / dukungan terhadap desain rumah kita yang sejak awal sudah berdesain minimalis, dan tentu saja fungsi utama adalah sebagai pintu gerbang masuk menuju rumah kita. Apa jadinya jika desain rumah minimalis hanya memiliki desain pagar yang hanya menggunakan desain biasa saja, akan tidak matching dengan desain rumah, dan akan mengurangi rasa minimalis yang ingin kita terapkan pada desain rumah kita secara menyeluruh.

Desain Pagar Minimalis Modern
Banyak model desain pagar minimalis ini, yang paling cocok dengan desain rumah minimalis yang sudah ada biasanya desain itu seperti gambar diatas. Dengan model besai berjajar rapi, dan penutup sejenis plastik mika atau yang lainnya. Meskipun desain pagar minimalis banyak modelnya, namun yang paling banyak diaplikasikan adalah seperti gambar diatas.

Desain Modern Untuk Pagar Minimalis
Nah ini adalah desain pagar yang cukup istimewa, dengan model yang hampir mirip dengan gambar diatasnya tadi, namun yang unik dari desain pagar ini adalah volume besi berjajar yang digunakan sangan tipis, sehingga hampir menyerupai lidi, atau kayu yang diraut hingga tipis. Namun kelemahan dari model ini adalah, mudah bengkok dan sedikit tidak tahan benturan terhadap benda lain. Kecuali dengan pemilihan pemakaian bahan yang kuat.

Pagar Minimalis 2012

Selain desain yang telah kami sebutkan diatas. Variasi juga dapat anda terapkan pada desain pagar, seperti penambahan satu blok penuh pada bagian bawah pagar, kalau untuk variasi ini, tergantung kesukaan anda mau ditaruh bawah, tengah, atas atau anda kombinasi sendiri dengan gaya anda, asal konsep minimalis pada desain agar tidak anda tinggalkan dalam penerapannya. Semoga bermanfaat.

Rumah Minimalis

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Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Cinch Special

Good morning!!!  I am extremely excited about this post!!!  Back by popular demand, one of my TOP Shaklee Specials are back for a limited time!!

This rocks!

I actually have 2 amazing deals! 

Before I tell you the specials, check out what my clients said that are doing our Cinch Challenge!  They are 2 months in and loving it!

cinch protein


I don't know if I'm more excited about our date night or the fact that I can fit back into a sexy prebaby dress :)

I weighed myself this morning and I'm PSYCHED!! 4 pounds down and…(drumroll) 1 size smaller!!! Yup, I'm wearing pants today that fit great and they're a 10! In a couple more weeks I'll have lots of 12-14's to donate!! YAY!

My personal goal was to maintain my weight during the Christmas holidays. To my surprise I had lost another pound by the 26th when I weighed in at Curves. The Cinch program works!

Hey y'all happy to report, I have been Cinching like a rockstar since last week and am down 3 lbs, woot!!
I am down 10lbs from Nov 1. First time ever I have been successful at losing any kind of weight. Feels good. :)


Since I got the 'cocktail' of chemotherapy 7 yrs ago, I was blessed with random hot flashes. BUT I have happily discovered that the non GMO soy Cinch shakes has eliminated them! So cool!


I have finally gotten to the point where I eat like a rat (sorry can't think of anything else) instead of eating like a pig (again, can't come up with a better analogy). I lost three pounds over the holiday even though I cheated and I think it's because I kept my metab up by eating in smaller portions rather than gulfing everything down at one meal and unbuttoning my jeans:)


I finally tried the Cinch Chocolate shake an I love it so much I wish I could have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!


I haven't checked in for awhile so just wanted to give an update. I'm down five pounds and am feeling healthy and energized. I haven't exercised appropriately but I'm sticking to the Cinch diet plan and am seeing results. A little nervous about leaving to see family tomorrow. My mom ALWAYS feeds us well. Her cooking is amazing. Pray for will power!
Stats this week...down another 3 lbs...4 lbs away from my goal and I have already brought my healthier version of Thanksgiving favorites to take to my family's big ole unhealthy eat out next week.
I missed the call tonight because I am on a girls weekend with my sister. We went shopping and I bought new jeans. Size 10!! In July I was busting out of 14....close to my size 8 skinny jeans!

Down 5 pounds in 2 weeks and feel great...very energized!! This is the first plan I’ve ever done that actually works and keeps me feeling full. :)

In less than 2 weeks I'm down 2.5 pounds and 1% body fat! I haven't lost an ounce of muscle either!! YAY for Leucine!! (I would have been off to a better start but there was a ton of Halloween candy lingering…sent it to work with my husband and now I'm ready!!)
Measured today, down 8 lbs and 10.25 inches (not counting the bust and chest;))
Lost a 1/2 inch off of my butt! Woohoo! (First week)
I’m done 3 pounds in one week!! I know if I continue this average I will reach my weight loss goal by week 12!!!
It's official, I'm down 7 pounds. 8 more lbs before I reach my goal...and hey since I added another month I want to get rid of an extra 5 after Christmas:)

For more success stories, click here.

Our First Special is our Body Transformation Pack!!!

This pack has everything you will need in a months supply to lose your unwanted fat!

burn fat

A Day With Cinch

The Cinch program isn’t just delicious – it’s easy to follow. Just replace two meals with your choice of shakes or meal bars, treat yourself to a snack and afternoon tea and take a metabolism booster with each meal. Add a healthy dinner and your day is complete. Just follow the plan.

This is what your pack incudes!


This is guaranteed to work or get your money back!

Cinch Transformation Pack

BUY 3 MONTHS…GET THE 4TH MONTH FREE (when placed on an autoship!!!)

Designed to help you to keep muscle you have, burn fat you don’t want,
and lose inches you don’t need. Clinically tested*. Customer proven.
And at less than $3 per meal, you’re looking at a leaner body and a fatter wallet. Bonus offer! Join with a Cinch Transformation Pack and get the Cinch Sampler Pack (an additional $100 retail value)
FREE!! Hurry Limited Time Only!

Member Price: $299.95

Order your Transformation Pack TODAY to get started on your New Year Health Goals! 

I did this program and LOVED IT!  As a mom, it gives me more energy and it’s so simple so I don’t need to think about what to eat next!  Plus, it WORKS!

Here is my before.


After!  After only 3 months!

Sarah also wrote about her story here!


After!  After only 3 months!

Latoya wrote about her story here!

Claire wrote about her story here!



Here I am halfway to my goal….I actually had to buy new pants.  Whoohoo!  I went down 2 sizes and several inches!  I feel so much better and have a lot more energy.


Andrea wrote about her story here.

Here is a  comparison in the same clothes!



Kindra shared her story here.

What will your story be?

After you place order, you will be invited join our online community to help with your success!  I want to help you every inch of the way!!

Not a member yet?

Join today with a $70 product order and get over $100 of Cinch Products for FREE!



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Kamis, 29 Desember 2011


Video about pictures of swimming pool decoration. Several swimming pools styles and design ideas for a swimming pool at home.

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Can't a girl just catch a break?!

Today we have a guest post from my friend Missy!
Take it away girl…
Hello everyone! My name is Missy, and I blog over at The Domesticated Diva.
A big thanks to Bonnie for having me here! I blog mostly about my transition from being the most undomestic girl ever to a married girl who is trying my best at homemaking. I share recipes, home decor tips, and talk a lot now about my cute baby!
Here is a little about me:
I am a born-and-raised Okie, and a die-hard Sooner fan! People say we are arrogant, but I promise I'm a nice one.
I am married to a youth pastor. He's is truly the best person I know!
We just had our first child, a baby boy named Caleb. He's pretty much the coolest baby ever.
I'm a Christian. I try to be a good girl but I mess up a lot!
I work as a therapist with homeless adults with severe mental illness. It makes for some very interesting stories!
We have the cutest dog, Bauer. He's such a good dog!
I am here to talk about something I have recently learned. Sometimes life gets hectic, and our to-do lists get really overwhelming. If we aren't careful, we can become bitter with all that we have to do to take care of our family. Our day-to-day tasks can seem mundane. Like when we have washed our thousandth bottle of the day, we can forget why we are really doing it. Or when we are working on that never-ending pile of laundry (I blame the need for laundry on Adam and Eve, thanks a lot guys!) or cleaning the house again. Sometimes I just don't want to. Sometimes I get upset that I have so much to do.
Can't a girl just catch a break?!
But I have learned that when I add purpose behind my actions, it helps me feel better about the every day tasks. Yes, I have washed a billion bottles, but I am providing a clean, safe bottle for my sweet boy. Yes, I have cleaned this same spot over and over again, but I am creating a home of refuge for my family.
Yes, I have to go to work and I don't always love it...but I am helping provide for my family. See what I mean? It just makes it easier to cope when you know you're doing something good for yourself and those you love! Here are my reasons:


What are yours?


Thanks Missy!  I love your words!  What a great motivation going into the new year!

I also want to let you all know that I will be announcing my new Shaklee special (hopefully) tomorrow!

Tonight is the last night to get the FREE VIVIX SPECIAL! Click here to order!

Have a great night!




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I found some uncommon pools. This swimming pools are unusual and very original.

Pool 1: Pool Golden Nugget in Las Vegas, in the center has a 200 gallon tank with sharks.
Pool 2: Japanese swimming pool trick.
There are even people who sleep in swimming pools, see the pictures about SWIMMING POOL BEDROOMS.

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Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

11 Room design ideas in Turquoise Blue!

Turquoise blue is a beautiful color and has warm and cool undertones to it. Turquoise is a beautiful color choice for any room because of its serene yet invigorating effect. It can be paired with lot of colors and makes any room cheerful and visually appealing.

This post has ideas that will help you include turquoise in your home color palette. Use them as accent colors or pair them with a range of different colors to amazing effect. Depending on how you use it, turquoise decor can be bold, whimsical, dreamy, or lively. Some good colors combinations are White, Yellow, Pink, Green and even Orange and Coral red.

Beautiful Turquoise wallpaper in a charming cottage chic setting. A lovely soft, dreamy unique effect!

Retro modern, with a cheerful pop of color. Turquoise blue walls offset the white and yellow accent pieces. Elegant and energetic contemporary living room design.

Cool turquoise and gold is the perfect backdrop for this dramatic bedroom decor. Gold mixes beautifully with turquoise if you like to make a statement. Uber stylish and gorgeous.

Both Turquoise and Green are serene colors and this dining room in White looks so calm and inviting. Use turquoise in accent pieces and smaller doses if you are experimenting.

Fun floral girly bedroom. This is a perfect combination of a lot of colors and shades. The energizing aspect of pink and green with the calm effect of white and blue. Love!!

Moroccan and Mediterranean decor uses a lot of blue and turquoise. Turquoise and White is a classic pairing. The color combination is used to the best affect in this elegant unique living room design.

Victorian floral pattern wall paper in Turquoise uplifts this white shabby chic dining room to a whole new level! Beautiful and stylishly done vintage inspired decor is absolutely amazing!

Using Turquoise with other soft pastel colors can have a very feminine result. Here white and pale yellow combined with turquoise make for an irresistible bedroom color combination.

Blue is the color of water and is perfect for bathroom decor. Turquoise is soothing. Love this zen like  bathroom atmosphere. The open windows lets in lots of light and air to create zen harmony.

Very unusual color palette, Golden and Silver combined with Turquoise. It creates a beautiful fresh feeling and this bedroom is a restful abode.

Absolutely adore the pale turquoise printed wall paper. It is the most interesting accent in the entire room. It forms the central theme and a seamless look. Use unique wall paper on one wall and build your decor around it.

Love turquoise color and its versatility. It can be combined with so many colors to different effect! If you are just falling in love with it, use in small doses or as accent pieces. Designing a room around Turquoise blue is an excellent idea, just choose the shade that reflects your personality and liking best! Hope you are inspired by it :c)

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11 Room design ideas in Turquoise Blue!

Turquoise blue is a beautiful color and has warm and cool undertones to it. Turquoise is a beautiful color choice for any room because of its serene yet invigorating effect. It can be paired with lot of colors and makes any room cheerful and visually appealing.

This post has ideas that will help you include turquoise in your home color palette. Use them as accent colors or pair them with a range of different colors to amazing effect. Depending on how you use it, turquoise decor can be bold, whimsical, dreamy, or lively. Some good colors combinations are White, Yellow, Pink, Green and even Orange and Coral red.

Beautiful Turquoise wallpaper in a charming cottage chic setting. A lovely soft, dreamy unique effect!

Retro modern, with a cheerful pop of color. Turquoise blue walls offset the white and yellow accent pieces. Elegant and energetic contemporary living room design.

Cool turquoise and gold is the perfect backdrop for this dramatic bedroom decor. Gold mixes beautifully with turquoise if you like to make a statement. Uber stylish and gorgeous.

Both Turquoise and Green are serene colors and this dining room in White looks so calm and inviting. Use turquoise in accent pieces and smaller doses if you are experimenting.

Fun floral girly bedroom. This is a perfect combination of a lot of colors and shades. The energizing aspect of pink and green with the calm effect of white and blue. Love!!

Moroccan and Mediterranean decor uses a lot of blue and turquoise. Turquoise and White is a classic pairing. The color combination is used to the best affect in this elegant unique living room design.

Victorian floral pattern wall paper in Turquoise uplifts this white shabby chic dining room to a whole new level! Beautiful and stylishly done vintage inspired decor is absolutely amazing!

Using Turquoise with other soft pastel colors can have a very feminine result. Here white and pale yellow combined with turquoise make for an irresistible bedroom color combination.

Blue is the color of water and is perfect for bathroom decor. Turquoise is soothing. Love this zen like  bathroom atmosphere. The open windows lets in lots of light and air to create zen harmony.

Very unusual color palette, Golden and Silver combined with Turquoise. It creates a beautiful fresh feeling and this bedroom is a restful abode.

Absolutely adore the pale turquoise printed wall paper. It is the most interesting accent in the entire room. It forms the central theme and a seamless look. Use unique wall paper on one wall and build your decor around it.

Love turquoise color and its versatility. It can be combined with so many colors to different effect! If you are just falling in love with it, use in small doses or as accent pieces. Designing a room around Turquoise blue is an excellent idea, just choose the shade that reflects your personality and liking best! Hope you are inspired by it :c)

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Anda Butuh Surat2 Berikut? :

Super Mega bonus : Ebook Dasar Bisnis Developer Properti

01 Puluhan Contoh desain Rumah tampak depan

02 Contoh Surat Perjanjian dgn Pemilik Tanah

03 Contoh Surat Perjanjian dgn Investor / pemodal

04 Contoh Surat Perjanjian Kerjasama

05 Contoh Proposal Investor / Pemodal

06 Contoh Kelengkapan Untuk KPR INDEN

07 Contoh Surat Angsuran BTN

08 Contoh Surat Kontrak Kerja Staf Penjualan

09 Contoh Surat Perjanjian Pemborongan / kontraktor

10 Contoh Surat Kuasa Jual

11 Contoh Surat Perjanjian Hutang Piutang

12 Surat Perjanjian Kavling

13 Surat Perjanjian Perikatan Jual Beli (PPJB)

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