
Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

The 99 Cent Drawer Organizer

Hello!  As you all know, I LOVE organizing but I HATE the cost of the really neat organizers out there.  There are so many things I could buy to help me organize but sometimes those items cost more than what I would put into them, lol! 

When I was doing the laundry this week, I was wanting a way to organize my kids sock/underwear drawers for cheap.  I didn’t want to buy anything but I need something to help us.

So, I shopped my house and found a couple of 99 cent shoe bins and thought those might work as dividers!  I tried it and it worked!! Smile  I don’t know why but it’s those little things that make me happy, haha!

This is what I did to my daughter’s drawer…

I just placed the bin right in the middle to sort and divide.

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I put her tights in the bin.

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I put her socks on one side…

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And her undies on the other!

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This works for us…SIMPLE, ORGANIZED & FREE!

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I also did this too her other drawer.  In this drawer, I keep the things that she will wear with her uniform.  (That way things don’t get messed up  with the others.)

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In the winter, she always wears undershirts.  This just makes them easy to grab in the mornings.

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These are the tights that she wears for school.

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And these are her socks.

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Having her school items separated, will save us time in the mornings! 

Love that!

Since, I had an extra bin, I did the same to Michael’s drawer.

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One side for summer PJ’s.

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And undies.

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Yup, I am happy about this little change!

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Do you organized your drawers?

What do you use to keep things sorted?

Have a great day! :)

Don’t forget to follow me on facebook!!!


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