
Minggu, 25 September 2011

Shaklee: What is our Business Model?

Hey everyone!  How was your weekend?  We had  my husband’s parents over on Saturday and played lots of board games with the kiddos today!  We also did some basement organization because we are going to start finishing it in about a month or so.  I will keep you updated.  I need to do an overhaul down there first, lol, seriously!!

Anyway,  do you remember last May when was able to attend Shaklee’s New Director Conference at Shaklee’s Headquarters in Pleasanton, California?

2011 05 19_5028

Well,  do you remember that I told you I did some video recording?

I was in several short clips used at the Shaklee Global Conference in Washington D.C., which was played in front of 5,000 people (I was actually the first video they played to start off the whole conference, so that was really cool) and now I am in another video that is used in our Shaklee iPad app for sharing the Shaklee Opportunity!

2011 08 13_7316

Even though I am only in this video for like 10 seconds,  it is exciting for me so I wanted to show you it.

They asked us a lot of questions and this video was about are business model.  (which I love by the way!!)

What did you think?

If you are serious about working from home and spreading health, I am looking for people who want to make an extra $1,000 a month!  Email me to set up an appointment for more info.
Have a great day!

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