
Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Rumah dibintaro sektor 3 A

Tipe 60

Di Jual Rumah di Kavling Bintaro Asri
Lokasi : Jalan beruang 2 (depan alfamart)

Hanya 4 unit eksklusif
Type 36/102 hanya Rp. 470jt (2 unit) / type 60/102 hanya 580jt
Type 36/96 hanya Rp. 450jt (2 unit) / type 60/96 hanya 560 jt
*Type rumah bisa request karena rumah inden

Fasilitas :
Lokasi strategis, Bintaro Sektor 3A
Dekat stasiun pd.ranji, Pintu tol veteran/pd aren bintaro sektor 9
Pusat pembelanjaan giant, carefour, hypermart, alfamart, indomaret
Sekolah Global Jaya, STAN
200m Sarana Ibadah Mesjid Raya
Akses angkutan umum
Jalan depan komplek 5m (bisa 2 mobil)

Bonus ;
Pagar minimalis
Taman cantik
Free desain

Sistem pembayaran : KPR & cash
*Dapatkan diskon menarik dg pembayaran cash

segera miliki rumah kesayangan anda diatas dengan isi form disini 

info Lengkap
HP : 0817 5478689 / 085 643 685169
Pin BB : 2607678F

Follow me @farisvio

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Senin, 30 Januari 2012

Resume Pesta Wirausaha TDA : Membangun Pengusaha Berkarakter

Semangat pagi sobat, sudah lama ga posting-posting lagi artikel. Alhamdulillah kemarin ikut Pesta Wirausaha TDA di Smesco selama 2 hari. Owh sangat dahsyat lho acaranya, rugi lho kalau ga ikut. Saya pun hanya bisa mengikuti seminarnya tapi sayang ga bisa ngikutin kelas bisnisnya, akrena full & rame banget.
Kali ini saya mau sharing tentang materi yang disampaikan oleh pak Heppy Trenggono, sudah tau kan siapa beliau ? Ok, di bawah ini beberapa hal yang disampaikan oleh Pak Heppy sbb:

Ada 5 mitos yang tidak benar untuk menjadi seorang enterpreneur, yaitu:

1. Enterpreneur bukan untuk kita tapi untuk mereka. Yaitu yang memang punya keturunan atau keluarga pengusaha, kenyataannya banyak dari pengusaha kita orang tuanya petani atau pegawai negeri.

2. Selalu, yg dibutuhkan adalah modal, kenyataanya terlalu mudah mendapat uang/ kredit malah menjadikan kita bodoh.

3. Untuk suses kita harus punya produk yg unik / kreatif. Kenyataanya sukses bisnis banyak lahir melalui produk biasa aja.

4.Membangun bisnis besar harus cepat, kenyataanya bisnis yang terlalu cepat tumbuh atau tumbuh secara instan mudah sekali untuk jatuh.5. Kaya itu identik dengan gaya hidup yang mewah, kenyataannya membangun kekayaan justru dengan cara simplicity.

Hal lain Pak Heppy mendefinisikan pengusaha yang berkarakter adalah sbb:
1. Karakter jati dirinya jelas
2. Mempunyai keyakinan.
3. Jelas yg dibela.

Membangun entrepreneur yg berkarakter, adalah bagaimana menjadikan produk kita menjadi tuan rumah di negeri sendiri. Membangun enterpreneurship adalah membangun pasar, bukan membangun produk.

ok, tunggu postingan selanjutnya ttg rangkuman materi dari motivator Jamil azzaini yaa... pantengin terus ok!

Salam Sukses Mulia ;)
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Protecting Saved Seeds

As a home gardener I am also a seed saver. Seeds can be saved from any plant but heirlooms are preferred as they breed true unlike seeds from hybrid plants. Really from a genetic perspective if you cross two hybrids you have a 25% chance of the resulting plant being true for either of the homozygous traits but a 50% chance of it it being nothing like the parental plant. I grow and save
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Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

Rumah Minimalis Kavling Bintaro Asri dekat Stasiun

Pagi agan-agan

Di Jual Rumah di Kavling Bintaro Asri
Lokasi : Jalan beruang 2 (depan alfamart)

Hanya 4 unit eksklusif
Type 36/102 hanya Rp. 470jt (2 unit) / type 60/102 hanya 580jt
Type 36/96 hanya Rp. 450jt (2 unit) / type 60/96 hanya 560 jt
*Type rumah bisa request karena rumah inden

Fasilitas :
Lokasi strategis, Bintaro Sektor 3A
Dekat stasiun pd.ranji, Pintu tol veteran/pd aren bintaro sektor 9
Pusat pembelanjaan giant, carefour, hypermart, alfamart, indomaret
Sekolah Global Jaya, STAN
200m Sarana Ibadah Mesjid Raya
Akses angkutan umum
Jalan depan komplek 5m (bisa 2 mobil)

Bonus ;
Pagar minimalis
Taman cantik
Free desain

Sistem pembayaran : KPR & cash
*Dapatkan diskon menarik dg pembayaran cash

Info Lengkap ;
Pin BB : 21BBBDD9
YM : vio_cantik10
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Theme Inspiration: Decor Ideas in Pink and Silver Grey!

Grey and pastel pink together have a soft airy quality! These make for a beautfiful if unusual combination and can be used in so many ways. Grey goes well with almost any pastel shade. Combined with Pink it adds a dreamy yet sophisticated touch to any space. Silver, White and Black look amazing as accent colors and add a cohesiveness to this color palette.

Use the softest shades of pink and silver gray will magically let it shine. This color combination is a great theme choice for weddings and parties too. Fluid romantic and beautiful!

The two colors compliment each other so well. The palest of pink crystals and feathers look super chic and the whole set up is absolutely breathtaking!

Grey walls have a lot of possibilities. Paired with Pink it has an understated glamour. Very feminine and posh.

The perfect accent chair in Pink and Grey! Its luxurious lines have a classic charm and would be a great way to explore this unique color combination.

Love this absolutely fab retro pattern wall paper in Pink and Grey! Its the focal point and other elements in the room are woven around it. Perfect for the retro junkie in me :c)

Tranquil, airy and very feminine. The beautiful softer hues add so much charm and elegance to this simple decor. White accent and light from the french window only makes it more inviting.

Cute flowery pillows to add some flair to any space. The pretty cherry blossom motif is so delicate and perfect for this color combination.

Love this subdued classic wall paper. The patterned wall designs are perfect foil for the furniture and upholstery in solid colors. Use pattern with solids in a color theme to really make a statement.

Grey, Pink and Black has been used with great success in this modern teen bedroom. Pink and grey look absolutely amazing as accent colors in this 'Paris' theme room. So well executed!

These blast from the past are my favorite share! Love this 50's- 60's living room. Pink and grey had quite an impact even then. There are so many details in here. Love the color palette and everything in here !

If a girl could dream of a Pink kitchen it would be as cute as this! An overload of pink maybe, but quite a style statement. Don't overlook the lady in a Grey dress to match the color combination. Amazed :c)

This post has been so much fun! Pink and Grey has been in trend since a long time and if used well can look absolutely gorgeous as well as elegant. I hope this dreamy pretty color combination has inspired you to its many possibilities.

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Theme Inspiration: Decor Ideas in Pink and Silver Grey!

Grey and pastel pink together have a soft airy quality! These make for a beautfiful if unusual combination and can be used in so many ways. Grey goes well with almost any pastel shade. Combined with Pink it adds a dreamy yet sophisticated touch to any space. Silver, White and Black look amazing as accent colors and add a cohesiveness to this color palette.

Use the softest shades of pink and silver gray will magically let it shine. This color combination is a great theme choice for weddings and parties too. Fluid romantic and beautiful!

The two colors compliment each other so well. The palest of pink crystals and feathers look super chic and the whole set up is absolutely breathtaking!

Grey walls have a lot of possibilities. Paired with Pink it has an understated glamour. Very feminine and posh.

The perfect accent chair in Pink and Grey! Its luxurious lines have a classic charm and would be a great way to explore this unique color combination.

Love this absolutely fab retro pattern wall paper in Pink and Grey! Its the focal point and other elements in the room are woven around it. Perfect for the retro junkie in me :c)

Tranquil, airy and very feminine. The beautiful softer hues add so much charm and elegance to this simple decor. White accent and light from the french window only makes it more inviting.

Cute flowery pillows to add some flair to any space. The pretty cherry blossom motif is so delicate and perfect for this color combination.

Love this subdued classic wall paper. The patterned wall designs are perfect foil for the furniture and upholstery in solid colors. Use pattern with solids in a color theme to really make a statement.

Grey, Pink and Black has been used with great success in this modern teen bedroom. Pink and grey look absolutely amazing as accent colors in this 'Paris' theme room. So well executed!

These blast from the past are my favorite share! Love this 50's- 60's living room. Pink and grey had quite an impact even then. There are so many details in here. Love the color palette and everything in here !

If a girl could dream of a Pink kitchen it would be as cute as this! An overload of pink maybe, but quite a style statement. Don't overlook the lady in a Grey dress to match the color combination. Amazed :c)

This post has been so much fun! Pink and Grey has been in trend since a long time and if used well can look absolutely gorgeous as well as elegant. I hope this dreamy pretty color combination has inspired you to its many possibilities.

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Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

Segera daftarkan Training Spektakuler Bisnis developer Properti

Traning spektakuler bisnis Properti mega Profit di jakarta

mungkin Anda seorang mahasiswa seperti Mas Abdul Hadi, MAs Moh, Riza dan Mas Reza Taufik yang berhasil SOLD OUT dalam 3 Minggu

mungkin Anda seperti Mas Iskandar Bagus yang mengubah hutang 150 jt menjadi lunas, Plus mobil BMW dan GrandMax dengan bisnis properti

Mungkin anda seperti Mba kartini seorang pengangguran yg berhasil membuka lebih dari 10 lokasi dalam setahun lokasi, dan sekarang rata rata tinggal 1 unit

mereka Action setelah mengikuti Traning spektakuler bisnis Properti mega Profit di jakarta

Pemateri Aryodiponegoro dan Tim Yuk Bisnis Properti

Dengan sistem berjenjang, peserta benar-benar diajak BERAKSI step by step. Real START real ACTION. Ini adalah sebuah SECRET MAP TO SUCCESS yang sering disembunyikan dalam seminar bisnis properti.
Materi Kelas

    * 7 strategi bisnis properti
    * Strategi bisnis broker
    * Strategi transaksi flip
    * Strategi bisnis kapling tanah
    * Strategi bisnis renovasi rumah
    * Strategi bisnis mini developer
    * Strategi bisnis developer rumah bersubsidi
    * Strategi bisnis developer real estate
    * Sumber modal bisnis properti
    * Strategi menentukan lokasi
    * Membedah legalitas properti
    * Jurus jitu negosiasi
    * Jurus menjadi detektif pasar
    * Menghitung proyeksi dengan cepat
    * Strategi desain properti
    * Aspek perijinan di properti
    * Jurus menjual properti
    * Strategi promosi spektakuler
    * Pola kerjasama perbankan
    * Strategi konstruksi
    * Pajak-pajak dalam properti
    * Cara cepat jadi developer
    * Strategi bisnis properti berjamaah yang aman
    * Tips kunci bisnis properti


    * Premium membership Yuk Bisnis Properti
    * Software Quickcount & SID Demo
    * Spreadsheet proyeksi bisnis properti
    * Kalkulator simulasi cicilan KPR
    * Perjanjian legalitas bisnis properti
    * Coffee Break dan Makan siang
    * Dan masih banyak lagi

Investasi 3 jt bisa boking seat dulu 500 ribu tinggal 4 seat lagi

dapat diskon khusus Pembeli Buku RAJA BISNIS MEGA PROFIT NO 2 DIINDONESIA Karangan Aryodiponegoro

tanggal : 19-20 Januari 2013
waktu : 09.00-17.00
tempat : Hotel Maharani Mampang depan bluebird jaksel
informasi : 08175478689 / 085643685169  Pin BB 2607678F - twitter :@farisvio

cara daftar :

transfer ke:
An : Muhammad syamsul farid
BCA : 861 013 2325
Mandiri : 1370006867671

konfirmasi  sms ke 08175478689  infokan nama dan almt, slip mohon dibawa sebagai tiket masuk. terimakasih

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What We Eat in a Week Party… Spread the News!

what we eat in a week party

Coming Feb. 1st, I am hosting a fun, food party!!

I am calling it “What We Eat in a Week” Party!!

Please get ready to link up weekly meal plans.  Everyone always seems to want to know what everyone else is eating so I thought this would be fun to share what we eat eat week!

You can include:






I am excited to show you what we eat and learn new recipes from you!

Will you be joining the fun?

Have a great weekend!



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Theme Inspiration: Decor Ideas in Yellow and Orange!

Orange and yellow are beautiful warm colors and work great together! These are fabulous colors that have energy and look really cozy and vibrant. Include some neutral color to the palette to bring out these popping colors. Orange and yellow look absolutely sophisticated with teal and pink as accent colors.

The two colors pair so well and look modern chic against grey and charcoal black background. Working with these colors is easy and the ideas in this post will help you decide the combinations that suit your personality and space.

Inspired by nature the dull Gray and popping Orange and yellow make for a visually striking focal wall.

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Dull Gray + Black

Yellow and Orange look lovely in this neutral modern living room. They bring a cheerful feeling and warmth to make it really inviting.

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Beige + White

Love this lovely porch with Moroccan flair! The unexpected teal and pink look lively against the pristine white backdrop. To me it looks like a painting :c)

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Green + Pink + Teal + White

This accent chair in yellow looks fresh and dramatic! The light walls is a perfect canvas to showcase the striking color patterned upholstery.

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Beige + White + Pastel pink

An exuberant display of colors. A whimsical bold burst of Pink, Orange and Yellow! A beautiful retro modern feel to it, the upholstery pattern and colors are so gorgeous.

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Pink

Color of sunlight Yellow and Orange mimic the beautiful sun rays and add a dollop of cheer to any corner. These beaded Moroccan inspired lantern/votive look absolutely exotic.

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Green

Add Orange and Yellow as accent colors in small amount if you are experimenting. These embroidered ethnic cushions are a great way to try this new combination. Lilac and Grey are an unusual choice but look fabulous!

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Grey + Lilac

Charming Retro mod kitchen with hot Pink and Yellow flooring. This is such an exotic combination for a kitchen but looks so interesting. No more dull mornings. Love!

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Pink + Turquoise blue + Ivory

Simple sophistication! The right amount of yellow and orange elevates this dull boring bedroom to a whole new level. It adds an instant oomph and focal point to the bedroom.

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Brown + Beige

Great for teenagers, this color combination has lots of vivacity and energy. Combined with a few other colors makes it a perfect blend of charm and elegance. 

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Pink + White

I love the positive vibes of Orange and Yellow! The charm and cheerfulness is addictive. Include it in any form and you are sure to elevate the vibes of the space. The warmth and romance of these colors can add a kick to any room. Hope this inspires you to warm up to these fantastic color combinations!

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Theme Inspiration: Decor Ideas in Yellow and Orange!

Orange and yellow are beautiful warm colors and work great together! These are fabulous colors that have energy and look really cozy and vibrant. Include some neutral color to the palette to bring out these popping colors. Orange and yellow look absolutely sophisticated with teal and pink as accent colors.

The two colors pair so well and look modern chic against grey and charcoal black background. Working with these colors is easy and the ideas in this post will help you decide the combinations that suit your personality and space.

Inspired by nature the dull Gray and popping Orange and yellow make for a visually striking focal wall.

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Dull Gray + Black

Yellow and Orange look lovely in this neutral modern living room. They bring a cheerful feeling and warmth to make it really inviting.

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Beige + White

Love this lovely porch with Moroccan flair! The unexpected teal and pink look lively against the pristine white backdrop. To me it looks like a painting :c)

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Green + Pink + Teal + White

This accent chair in yellow looks fresh and dramatic! The light walls is a perfect canvas to showcase the striking color patterned upholstery.

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Beige + White + Pastel pink

An exuberant display of colors. A whimsical bold burst of Pink, Orange and Yellow! A beautiful retro modern feel to it, the upholstery pattern and colors are so gorgeous.

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Pink

Color of sunlight Yellow and Orange mimic the beautiful sun rays and add a dollop of cheer to any corner. These beaded Moroccan inspired lantern/votive look absolutely exotic.

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Green

Add Orange and Yellow as accent colors in small amount if you are experimenting. These embroidered ethnic cushions are a great way to try this new combination. Lilac and Grey are an unusual choice but look fabulous!

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Grey + Lilac

Charming Retro mod kitchen with hot Pink and Yellow flooring. This is such an exotic combination for a kitchen but looks so interesting. No more dull mornings. Love!

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Pink + Turquoise blue + Ivory

Simple sophistication! The right amount of yellow and orange elevates this dull boring bedroom to a whole new level. It adds an instant oomph and focal point to the bedroom.

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Brown + Beige

Great for teenagers, this color combination has lots of vivacity and energy. Combined with a few other colors makes it a perfect blend of charm and elegance. 

Color Combination : Orange + Yellow + Pink + White

I love the positive vibes of Orange and Yellow! The charm and cheerfulness is addictive. Include it in any form and you are sure to elevate the vibes of the space. The warmth and romance of these colors can add a kick to any room. Hope this inspires you to warm up to these fantastic color combinations!

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Anda Butuh Surat2 Berikut? :

Super Mega bonus : Ebook Dasar Bisnis Developer Properti

01 Puluhan Contoh desain Rumah tampak depan

02 Contoh Surat Perjanjian dgn Pemilik Tanah

03 Contoh Surat Perjanjian dgn Investor / pemodal

04 Contoh Surat Perjanjian Kerjasama

05 Contoh Proposal Investor / Pemodal

06 Contoh Kelengkapan Untuk KPR INDEN

07 Contoh Surat Angsuran BTN

08 Contoh Surat Kontrak Kerja Staf Penjualan

09 Contoh Surat Perjanjian Pemborongan / kontraktor

10 Contoh Surat Kuasa Jual

11 Contoh Surat Perjanjian Hutang Piutang

12 Surat Perjanjian Kavling

13 Surat Perjanjian Perikatan Jual Beli (PPJB)

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