
Kamis, 05 April 2012

Why is it so hard to keep a house clean when I feel like we are hardly home?

Good morning!! :)  We have an amazing guest post from Krysta today.  I love this one. :)  Thanks Krysta!!

Hi everyone!

It’s Krysta from Steen Health Solutions and I’m back today with a post about chores and kids! My boys are 10 and 9, and we have tried various way of getting them more involved in chores, but we haven’t been very diligent about being consistent. 

Why is it so hard to keep a house clean when I feel like we are hardly home? Shouldn’t it stay cleaner? But, I digress.

I have noticed more of a lack of the boys wanting to help or complaining when asked to do something, and I’d had enough! I came across some great ideas on Pinterest, and decided to implement one of them and give it a shot. We’ve been pretty successful so far!

First off, I found the printables over at Whatever Dee Dee Wants. I really liked that there was so many different chores that she had listed.

I will tell you that this is not a quick DIY project to complete if you have a hour to spare! I actually did it over a few days – the cutting off all the chores was giving me hand cramps! :)

So, gather your supplies: paper cutter, scissors, Mod Podge, large craft sticks, sponge applicator.


I bought craft sticks in both color and natural, but ended up only using the natural ones.
I started out by cutting the chore pages into strips.


The kids got a kick out of the “veto” ones. :)


Then I carefully cut around each chore. This was the most time consuming part!

I decided to paint the craft sticks white, just to make it look a little cleaner.


I only did 1 coat, but probably should’ve done 1 more. I was just anxious to get it done. :)


Here’s the finished product! (yes, I know it says “Chore Jar”, and these are cans, but just try to overlook that-hahaha!). I covered the cans with scrapbook paper and then used letter stickers to do the names.


Even the parents get their own! (Mike is thrilled!)


We’ve been using them for about a week and the boys are actually ASKING to pick out chores! We are doing 1 chore a day and then 3 on Saturdays. That may evolve a bit, but we’ll try that routine for a while.
Here’s Kaden just yesterday, hard at work.


How do you handle chores in your house? Do you find it to be a challenge? Leave your tips in the comments!

Find me on Facebook HERE.

Follow me on Pinterest HERE.

Thanks so much Krysta! 

Go follow her for more tips today!

Have a great day!


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