
Sabtu, 01 September 2012

Saturday at the Donahues

Hello! How is your weekend so far? Today is cloudy and rainy but we have had a pretty productive day so far.

We had a family breakfast of cinnamon raisin French toast, which was awesome!

Then we got Andrew's passport for our free trip to Mexico complimentary of Shaklee! (Love that company!!!!)

Scott did some work around the house and then we power cleaned for a home showing. Our house was spotless on Thursday for a showing but today it was a total disaster, lol! That's life!

While we were out, we took the kids shopping for new shoes and some other stuff. 

When we were at Stride Rite, I realized that Michael left the house with two different sandals.... OMG, embarrassing!!!!!

The kids had fun while shopping because there was a balloon guy and lots of free chocolate samples. 

 The baby was no trouble at all which is typical because he is seriously the best baby in the world and the easiest of the four kids- for real!!

Now we are going to enjoy a family meal of grilled salmon, baked potatoes, and veggies!

I am not sure what we are going to do the rest of the weekend. We will probably work on our never ending list and spend time with family!

What are our plans?? Any Labor Day events?

Have a great day!

Bonnie :)

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