
Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Unusual Design Inspiration For The Pool House, Villa Or Apartment

SPAS Excellence Award, the Blue Team was the spectacular success of the group presentation of the Year award and gold 7. OFTB Australia is nationally recognized with a Gold Award for Best Innovation Pool Spa

SPA Annual Awards Night is a showcase of the best pool design and construction, with particular emphasis on providing quality and innovation. Blue this year recognized as a major profession, as evaluated by peers and accessories industries.swimming pool, swimming pool lighting

When a client requests a private swimming pool design or deck design as part of their project, we study the location of the pool on the slopes and drainage of the property, where the views and the pool is widespread. Remember how we design the pool will be coordinated and completed the interior is finished, adaptation, and opens onto the landscape. We see the pool in the design of outdoor living space total

Polish swimming and the Master Plan

Decorators in botany, we focus on the concept of a master plan. The plan is a comprehensive covering all facets of the entire outdoor space. Our goal is to gather a complete picture for our clients, leave nothing to chance. Recreational facilities such as pool play an important role in creating an outdoor space.

new poo

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