
Jumat, 25 November 2011

Our Thanksgiving Tradition

Every year for Thanksgiving we go to my Mom and Dad’s house for Thanksgiving!

There is a lot of people there and even more food!!

I just want to share some photos of our day with you.

My Mom made an excellent salad.

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My favorite Apple Salad.  I pigged out of this one, hehe.

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She sets up a table in the garage for all the food.

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We played games.

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Here is a picture of our family.

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My Mom always had everything decorated so nice and festive.

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We spent some time with my Grandparents too!

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Then we went to my husband’s family party.

They also love to decorate.  Isn’t everything so cute?

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I love the centerpiece!

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They had everything personalized.

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They made each little turkey.

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Lastly, here is my big boy helping himself, lol.

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We had a great day!  Today we spent the day together and we also went through some of the kids books, games and puzzles to give it away.

I will show you pics on that soon.

What is your family’s Thanksgiving tradition?

What did you do today?  Did you go out shopping?  What did you get?

Have a great day!



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