
Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

Basement Update

I hope that you are having  great day!!  We have been extremely busy lately!  We are still in the basement remodel process, master closet expansion and major toy organization.  I posted lots of pics on facebook!

Today I wanted to share more basement photos with you!  They are almost finished.  We should have the carpet in here tomorrow.

This is where we are at today.

This is as you walk down.

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This will be our guest room.

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Here is a peak from the guest room entryway looking at my office.

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Ahhh, my office!  I am getting really pumped about this!  This will be officially my first office.

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Here is my view from where my desk will be.

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Here is the bathroom.

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Here is the hallway.  It is 5 feet wide.

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This will be our family room.  It was supposed to by a toyroom for the kiddos but my hubby snuck in a whole surround system and TV rack.  I didn’t even want a TV down here.

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Here is the other side.  On the right, we have a small kitchenette and the back room is an unfinished storage/workout room.

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Here is a close up of the kitchenette.

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I am getting ready to bring stuff back down to our basement!  Right now everything is in our living room, dining room and garage.  It is getting a little tight in here.

I will show you our closet update next.

What are you working on?

Have a great day! :)



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