
Rabu, 25 April 2012

My Family Trip to Florida

Hello all! :)  I just wanted to share some photos from our trip to Florida with you.  We go to Florida every year and have family there so we always have a place to stay!  You can see my Mother-in-Law's newly renovated condo here!  It is AWESOME! :)

We spent a lot of time by the pool! 

The kids had a blast and love the water!!

They have no fear!

We spent a lot of family time together which was my favorite part!

We also were able to sneak away on some date nights! :)  Yes, I am growing by the day!!  I am 8 months pregnant here!

This was our view!

We also spent time at my husband's Grandparent's condo!  We played cards and other games there with them.

We still tried to eat pretty healthy when on vacation!  We visited a local farmer's market to get food for the week.

The kids love getting fresh fruit and veggies!

They loved seeing these owls.

We celebrated Easter in Florida too!  The kids were worried the Easter bunny might miss them, but he came through this year and hid a bunch of eggs outside!

They are getting so big!

Here is our family! :)

We went mini-golfing!

The kids were able to feed the baby gators which they look foreword to every year.

We also took them on a pirate cruise which was a blast!!!

We took some professional shots on Sanibel Island.  I can't wait to get them on the wall!

Here are some photos I took after our photographer left.

We had to go to a park!

We also spent time by the ocean.

I love family trips and this will be the last one until the baby comes!  I treasure every moment we spend together!

How about you?  What do you like to do on vacation?  Do you have a favorite place to go?  Do you have a family tradition?

Have a great day!

Bonnie :)

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