
Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

What is a Shaklee Membership? How to get it FREE!!

Hey All!  I just wanted to give you a quick heads up that my Join Free Shaklee Special ends tomorrow (May 31st).  This has been an amazing deal and we have been able to personally help hundreds of new families over these past few months!

Thanks so much to everyone that already ordered!!! :)

Here are some FAQ's that I get:

What is a Shaklee Membership?

Basically, a Shaklee Membership is like a discount membership.  You will receive 15% off or more on all products! :) It usually costs a one time fee of $19.95 but is waived until May 31st with any purchase.  After you join, you will get a myshaklee website for ordering, discounts, specials, a library of health information and amazing referral benefits!  Our Member Team also has a way you can earn free product within your first 30 days of joining and you will be able to join our online member's only community for health support and to ask questions about product facts and experience!!

Do I need a monthly order to maintain it?  

Nope, it's a lifetime membership with no minimums! 

What product lines do you offer?

Our four major health lines are:

Try Shaklee and if you don't like it, you can call and get your money back! :)

What do you recommend that I start with?

It depends on what you are looking for but usually I recommend starting with a starter kit/pack because it has everything you need!

But if you really want a Total Body Transformation, I recommend this Kit!

I love the Get Clean Starter Kit but don't forget to add your Scour Off, Basic G and Spray Bottle.

I LOVE the Skin Care Line too!  I have been using this line for 9 years.

How do I order?

Simply go to my online shop here and place your items in the cart, join for free and check out!

How fast will I get my order?

Shaklee ships fast!  I usually get mine in less than a week!

Thanks so much for your business!  I truly appreciate it and love helping others get healthier!!!

I hope that you have a great day! :)

Bonnie :)


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