
Rabu, 26 September 2012

Southwest-Style Stuffed Peppers

I am so excited about this guest post because this recipe looks amazing! :)  Today, Krysta, from Steen Health Solutions, is here to share this yummy Mexican treat with you!  She is an amazing Wife, Mother, person and friend!  We met online and and became friends and business partners.  Krysta even stayed at our house four several days this spring when we went to training.  She is super nice and very smart.

Welcome Krysta!

My mouth was watering as a typed up this post – these were SO good!

Follow me on our Facebook community for more tips, recipes and more!

My husband LOVES the traditional stuffed peppers, but the rest of the family are not the biggest fans.  We do all, however, LOVE tacos!  These stuffed peppers have a great Mexican flavor that we all thought was great!  We even had some filling left over and used it the next day in soft taco shells – Delish!

Southwest-Style Stuffed Peppers
Serves 4-6

4 bell peppers (halve and remove seeds)
olive oil
1/2 lb ground turkey or beef (cooked)
2 cups of cooked brown rice (white rice would be fine too)
1 cup of corn (fresh or frozen)
1 can black beans (drained and rinsed well)
3/4 cup onion, chopped
1 small (16 oz. or so) jar salsa
1 Tablespoon taco seasoning (I made my own using this recipe, or store-bought is fine)
1-2 cups Shredded cheese (I used cheddar)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Lightly coat the halved, seeded bell peppers with olive oil and roast in a glass 9X13 pan or baking sheet for about 25 minutes until slightly softened.  Remove from oven and cool while you assemble your filling.
Combine turkey/beef, rice, corn, onion, salsa and taco seasoning in a bowl.  Spoon filling into the pepper halves and cook for another 15 minutes or until cooked through.  Top with cheese and cook until cheese has melted.
Top with sour cream or avocado if desired.  Enjoy!!

Thanks so much!! :)  I am so excited to try this!  Thanks so much Krysta!!  Please follow her on Facebook for more recipes!

Have a great weekend!

Bonnie :)

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