
Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Tips dan Trik Membersihkan Rumah Minimlis

Membersihkan rumah pun perlu trik. Bekerja serabutan justru akan bikin waktu pengerjaan lama dan buang banyak tenaga.
Simak tips-tips sederhana berikut agar pekerjaan membersihkan rumah menjadi lebih cepat dan efisien:

Sebelum proses pembersihan dimulai, kumpulkan aksesori baik yang menempel di dinding maupun yang di meja dalam satu wadah.
Matikan AC atau kipas angin sebelum membersihkan ruang, agar debu tidak bertebangan kemana-mana.

Mulailah pembersihan dari arah atas ke bawah. Awali dari langit-langit, dinding, jendela, pintu, dan terakhir lantai. Setelah bersih, baru bagian jendela dan pintu dilap dengan kain basah, dan lantai dipel.
 Jika hendak membersihkan bagian yang tinggi, gunakan bangku atau tangga. Jangan berjinjit, karena justru bikin lambat dan melelahkan.

Bersihkan karpet pada lantai dengan sapu lidi atau vacuum cleaner. Setelah bersih, lipat karpet. Permukaan atas karpet harus berada di bagian dalam lipatan. Silakan gulung sesudah itu. Trik ini bakal mencegah debu dari sisi bawah karpet menempel ke sisi atas.

Ketika membersihkan aksesori, gunakan sabun secukupnya, agar pembilasan tidak terlalu lama. 

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Cara Mengkilapkan Lantai Marmer Agar selalu tampil cemerlang, lantai marmer mesti dipoles secara teratur. Menggunakan mesin poles memang solusi terbaik, namun biayanya terlalu mahal.

Sebenarnya ada cara yang lebih murah dan mudah untuk mencerahkan kembali lantai marmer anda. Pertama, Anda harus mengepel lantai dengan cairan pembersih lantai. Setelah kering, oleskan krim yang biasanya digunakan untuk memoles badan mobil ke seluruh permukaan lantai marmer. Lalu tunggulah beberapa saat sampai krim poles itu meresap.

Setelah dirasakan cukup meresap, gosok lantai dengan sabun cuci piring (spons yang berwarna hijau) sampai krim benar–benar hilang.

Bersihkan dengan bekas krim dengan sapu, lalu pel-lah lantai seperti biasa. Jika anda rajin mengulangi metode ini selama 2 – 3 bulan sekali, lantai marmer anda akan selalu kinclong seperti baru. 

follow terus @farisvio
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Cara Menghilangkan Noda Minyak & Lemak Pada Kompor

Dapur yang sering digunakan memasak biasanya beraroma kurang sedap.

Untuk mengharumkan dapur anda bisa menggunakan air jeruk lemon.

Siapkan satu buah jeruk lemon, 1 gelas air biasa, dan beberapa butir cengkeh. Peras jeruk lemon, campur dengan air dan cengkeh. Didihkan semuanya selama 20 menit dan biarkan uapnya memenuhi ruangan. Anda akan mendapatkan wangi segar tanpa harus memakai bahan kimia.

follow terus @farisvio

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Cara Alami Mengharumkan Dapur Minimalis

Dapur yang sering digunakan memasak biasanya beraroma kurang sedap.
Untuk mengharumkan dapur anda bisa menggunakan air jeruk lemon.
Siapkan satu buah jeruk lemon, 1 gelas air biasa, dan beberapa butir cengkeh. Peras jeruk lemon, campur dengan air dan cengkeh. Didihkan semuanya selama 20 menit dan biarkan uapnya memenuhi ruangan. Anda akan mendapatkan wangi segar tanpa harus memakai bahan kimia.

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Spring Cleaning and Organizing tips

Hey everyone!

It’s Jennifer from Blissfully Ever After and today I want to share with you some simple, practical, and effective Spring Cleaning and Organizing tips!

Join my Facebook community for more Spring Cleaning tips!

Wow, I cannot believe it is already the end of March! Good thing we have been getting our Spring Cleaning done right? It is almost time to start playing outside …you know, yard work, gardening, bike rides, walks, playing with our kiddos/grand kids. I am really looking forward to the beautiful sunny days. My son is almost 6 months and so I cannot wait to show him all that nature has to offer and to take him swimming, boating, and just to be able to lay out on a blanket with him on the grass. Wahoo! I have a feeling he is going to love it. But, until the sun starts peaking its head out at us a little more, I am sticking inside to get the rest of my spring cleaning done. How are all of you doing? Are you staying focused and accomplishing your goals? I hope so!

If you are just joining us, here is what we’ve completed so far:

The following post is a re-post from last year but it is exactly what I do to get my bathroom sparkling clean!

Today, I am going to show you how I clean and disinfect my bathroom naturally. My go-to products I use are Basic GBasic HScour Off and the Microfiber WindowCleaning cloths and Sponge
{This is all I use to clean my entire house….but today we will be focusing on just the bathroom}.

Cleaning Products


Here is my bathroom mirror. When cleaning this I use only 2 drops of Basic H per 16 oz. spray bottle to make window cleaner and then I use this spray along with my trusted Microfiber Window Cloth and tada tada, sprakling clean! No streaks, film, or annoying particles from paper towels.


I use 1/4 tsp of Basic H mixed with 16 oz. of water to make an all-purpose cleaner and I use this along with my Microfiber Cleaning Cloth on my granite countertops, cabinets, light fixtures, mirror frame, tile backsplash, light switches, and faucets. {There are 1,000 different uses for Basic H…so really the cleaning opportunities are endless}. Basic H is the best cleaner to use on granite countertops. Our countertops are brand new and I wouldn’t trust any other product on them besides Basic H.


To clean my sink, I use Basic G and Scour Off together with my trusted Microfiber Sponge. Basic G is a disinfectant made from natural surfactants and kills 99.9% of germs on contact and the clean lasts up to three days {bleach only lasts for up to one day} and is registered with the EPA to be used as an effective formula to kill germs, bacteria, and viruses.  Scour off scrubs any hard water spots or caked on gunk and leaves my sink sparkling clean {plus it smells like cherry bubble gum}. All of the Get Clean line products are safe to use on surfaces, will not dull, stain, discolor or harm finishes.



I also use these two products to clean my toilets and showers. The combination is powerful yet safe for my family and I. I love that I can clean my entire house with the Get Clean line without having to use gloves, open windows {unless I want to} or turn on fans like I used to have to when using bleach, Comet, Windex, etc. And my house is the cleanest it’s ever been! Don’t you want a clean and safe house too?!!


I also use 1 oz. of Basic H and 1/2 oz. of Basic G mixed with 1 gallon of hot water to mop my bathroom floors. I am telling you, NOTHING cleans my floors better! They look brand new every time I use this stuff!!


So, there you have it, a look into how I clean and disinfect my bathroom. It feels so good to have a clean bathroom and the best part is, I love knowing that I’ve used products that are natural, powerful, and safe.

Here is a little more information about each product I used today:

Basic g Banner

The safest disinfectant on the market! Nonflammable, Biodegradable & Non-toxic. Cleans, Disinfects & Deodorizes in 1 Easy Step! (Once mixed, use in 30 days)

Mix 3/8 teaspoon to 16 oz spray bottle.
Mix 1 tablespoon to 1 gallon of water.

Because it is so concentrated, a little goes a long way and saves you $$$!
Basic-G has a 3 year shelf life. Its residual effectiveness lasts up to three days after application. Chlorine (bleach) used as a disinfectant is effective no more than one hour. Great wherever disinfectants are used! Kills up to 99% of bacteria.

Great to use for: Toilet, showers, sinks, countertops, door knobs, garbage cans, diaper pails, pet areas, cutting boards {but not around food}, and it can also be used as a weed killer which you can read in my post here.

Basic H

Basic H is not only the best selling cleaning product on the market, it is the CHEAPEST and the SAFEST!!

It is cheaper than using vinegar and it is organic! It is a concentrate so you add your own water.  This helps save you money and cut back on your cleaning bottle wastes and product packaging waste.

1 bottle of Basic H2equals the cleaning uses of 5,824 bottles of 26 oz. Windex!!
Basic H2 is all you need for thousands of household jobs
  • Ultra concentrated – 16 ounces makes up to 48 gallons of super powerful cleaner when mixed with water.
  • Versatile and powerful cleaner – removes dirt, grease, and grime from any washable surface, inside and out. Dilute according to directions.
  • No rinse, no residue, streak-free formula.
Use on any washable surface – indoors or out
  • Walls, Windows and Mirrors, Countertops, Floors, Appliances, Stoves, Sealed Woodwork, Pots and Pans, Furniture
Clean Credentials
  • Nontoxic
  • Natural
  • Doubly concentrated
  • Biodegradable Surfactants

Scour Off
  • Natural ingredients remove the toughest dried-on splatters and spills, burned-on grease, baked-on food, and sticky messes without hazardous chemicals or toxic fumes.
  • Scour Off is made from natural mineral abrasives and biodegradable cleaning agents. It does not contain chlorine, bleach, or dye.
  • Scour Off gently removes stains other cleansers can't and is great for cleaning tubs, ovens, sinks, and tiles.
  • It will even remove rust, and is great for cleaning these surfaces: copper, grout, cement, ceramic, and imitation marble.
  • Wide-mouth jar makes it easy to use.
Clean Credentials
  • Nontoxic
  • Natural abrasives
  • No harsh chemicals
  • Biodegradable surfactants
  • No phosphates

THIS IS THE BEST CLEANING PRODUCT FOR YOUR STOVES, SINKS, SHOWERS, TOILETS, ETC. It will remove hard water, baked on oven grease and food, soap scum, and it also cleans grout like no other product! You will be replacing a ton of your current toxic household cleaners by switching to Scour Off!!

Cleaning Cloths

Use these super absorbent, microfiber cloths and sponges for all purpose cleaning with Basic H2™. Leaves surfaces clean and lint free.
Cleans Virtually Everything:
  • Ridiculously absorbent
  • Lures dirt and dust and devours it
  • Safe on all your precious surfaces
  • Washable, Reusable, Remarkable
These are the BEST cleaning cloths and sponges I have EVER used! They can be washed nearly 400 times before they need to be replaced and make cleaning a breeze!

Happy Cleaning!

Check out my bathroom redo here

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Cara Membersihkan Keramik Kamar Mandi Minimalis

Keramik dinding dan lantai kamar mandi atau peralatan saniter sangat rentan terhadap noda bekas sabun. Jika dibiarkan maka noda akan melekat erat dan terlihat jorok. Tiga cara berikut ini sangat mudah untuk menghilangkan noda yang membandel itu dan tentunya ramah lingkungan.
  1. Gunakan ampelas anti air. Ampelas waterproof nomor 100 sampai 400 dapat digunakan untuk membersihkan kerak pada keramik kamar mandi, terutama kerak yang melekat di closet keramik. Caranya gosokkan saja pada permukaan keramik dengan ampelas sembari menyiramkan dengan air. Cara ini ramah lingkungan dan tidak ada efek samping karena tidak menggunakan bahan kimia.
  2. Memanfaatkan cuka makan. Kuaskan cuka makan berkadar 70% ke atas kerak keramik, tunggu 15 -20 menit, kemudian sikat dan bilas keramik dengan air. Selama proses jangan lupa memakai sarung tangan karet untuk mencegah kontak langsung cairan cuka dengan kulit tangan.
  3. Taburkan pasir laut. Pasir laut tak hanya digunakan sebagai penghias dasar akuarium. Pasir halus laut bisa juga dipakai untuk membersihkan lumut pada permukaan paving dan keramik kamar mandi. Caranya mudah : basahi keramik, taburkan pasir laut halus dan digosokkan pasir ke keramik yang berlumut. Gunakan sikat sebagai alat bantu. Tekan sikat sedikit keras keatas permukaan keramik agar fungsi pasir maksimal mengangkat lumut. Terakhir siram dan bersihkan keramik.

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    Study furniture designs.

    Study furniture designs.

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    Kamis, 29 Maret 2012




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    Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

    Easter craft and fun activities for kids: Pretty Egg decorations!

    Easter is almost here! I have been away, but am back with some interesting ideas for Easter craft!! Dyeing Easter eggs is a beautiful tradition. There are some really cool twists and variations for those looking for new ways to decorate and delight little ones :)

    Use a whole variety of things and easy techniques to get these gorgeous colorful eggs ready in no time! Great way to spend evenings and building a family tradition. Ingenious little tips and tricks to create lovely floral designs sans dyeing and absolutely great for different levels of crafting.

    Pretty pastel floral designs in glitter!! Use punched designs on ultra-thin double sided tape, peel carefully and dip/sprinkle glitter on them. The best part is how you can go over each pattern individually to create a really colorful design. Easy and quick! 

    Have you saved up an old magazine/calender with lovely details? Here is an easy way to display and wow everyone! Use dyed eggs or brown eggs, speckle them with some paint (try spraying with a toothbrush with thinned paint) and glue cutouts or stickers on them! Makes for a wonderful centerpiece too :)

    If you love polka dots, this is such a cute idea. Open a bobby pin and dip them in colors to create perfect dots. Get creative and let your kids have fun! You can also make use of rubber tipped pencils or top end of paint brushes etc.

    Kids love working with white glue! Get lots of colorful craft twine, dip them in white glue and make colorful spirals! Alternatively you could just keep dabbing white glue on the eggs as you go around it. Use lace, wool or colorful threads. These would look great on an egg tree!

    My favorite of the lot and so much fun! Use colorful tape (Japanese washi tape) and stick bits of it to create a fun pattern! These colorful tape are no mess and perfect for little fingers too! Add muffin liner in grass pattern and you are all set! Almost addictive ;)

    Use rubber bands and masking tape to mark out designs and have fun painting without hassles. Layer your paints and let them dry in between. Love the rustic look and amazing color combination. So fabulous!

    Punched designs from card stock make for easy embellishments! Artistic layering of designs for this modern twist to traditional Easter eggs! Love the simplicity and ease of this crafty inspiration :)

    Another variation of double sided craft tape! Use thin slivers to create fun pattern, sprinkle them with colorful glitter and place them as centerpiece on your Easter lunch table setting. 

    Felt or self adhesive foam stickers can be the easiest and absolutely no mess idea for kids! You can use double sided tape or white glue to secure the designs! Pass some green paper through paper shredder to get instant Easter grass :)

    Decoupage using white glue and pretty tissue paper. These look so gorgeous and a unique craft project! If you have been looking for some lovely inspiration for Easter holidays this sure deserves a try.

    This should help with the supplies and the basic technique! Let your creative juices flow :)

    Love these funny quirky egg cozies! Made of felt, these would make perfect Easter gift for friends and co-workers. Whimsical little gem!

    Stunning design! Simple punched paper designs have been scoured and placed with such an artistic flair. Beautiful design, this just elevates punched paper craft to a whole new level!

    Stuffed cloth eggs. Love the country feel and the fabulous patterns! If you are as much an admirer of country cottage decor. This is perfect for your home. Can't get over the tailor's tape place mat either : P

    Use simple floral stickers or punch some pretty designs and decorate plastic/foam eggs in no time! Specially good if you have impatient little ones who are just getting into crafting.

    Bright polka dots on rainbow colored eggs! Egg hunting would be so much fun with these bright eggs peeking out from the grass :D

    Dainty wild flowers placed in egg shells! Something so simple and stunning. Pick some spring blooms and create a unique centerpiece or decoration for foyer table. Lovely freshness.

    Quite out of tune with Easter holiday but these are just so fabulous! Dress up some boiled eggs with tomatoes and olives. A sprig of fresh coriander and some cloves and whole black pepper :D Book mark it for Halloween craft! Kids will squeal with delight!!

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    Easter craft and fun activities for kids: Pretty Egg decorations!

    Easter is almost here! I have been away, but am back with some interesting ideas for Easter craft!! Dyeing Easter eggs is a beautiful tradition. There are some really cool twists and variations for those looking for new ways to decorate and delight little ones :)

    Use a whole variety of things and easy techniques to get these gorgeous colorful eggs ready in no time! Great way to spend evenings and building a family tradition. Ingenious little tips and tricks to create lovely floral designs sans dyeing and absolutely great for different levels of crafting.

    Pretty pastel floral designs in glitter!! Use punched designs on ultra-thin double sided tape, peel carefully and dip/sprinkle glitter on them. The best part is how you can go over each pattern individually to create a really colorful design. Easy and quick! 

    Have you saved up an old magazine/calender with lovely details? Here is an easy way to display and wow everyone! Use dyed eggs or brown eggs, speckle them with some paint (try spraying with a toothbrush with thinned paint) and glue cutouts or stickers on them! Makes for a wonderful centerpiece too :)

    If you love polka dots, this is such a cute idea. Open a bobby pin and dip them in colors to create perfect dots. Get creative and let your kids have fun! You can also make use of rubber tipped pencils or top end of paint brushes etc.

    Kids love working with white glue! Get lots of colorful craft twine, dip them in white glue and make colorful spirals! Alternatively you could just keep dabbing white glue on the eggs as you go around it. Use lace, wool or colorful threads. These would look great on an egg tree!

    My favorite of the lot and so much fun! Use colorful tape (Japanese washi tape) and stick bits of it to create a fun pattern! These colorful tape are no mess and perfect for little fingers too! Add muffin liner in grass pattern and you are all set! Almost addictive ;)

    Use rubber bands and masking tape to mark out designs and have fun painting without hassles. Layer your paints and let them dry in between. Love the rustic look and amazing color combination. So fabulous!

    Punched designs from card stock make for easy embellishments! Artistic layering of designs for this modern twist to traditional Easter eggs! Love the simplicity and ease of this crafty inspiration :)

    Another variation of double sided craft tape! Use thin slivers to create fun pattern, sprinkle them with colorful glitter and place them as centerpiece on your Easter lunch table setting. 

    Felt or self adhesive foam stickers can be the easiest and absolutely no mess idea for kids! You can use double sided tape or white glue to secure the designs! Pass some green paper through paper shredder to get instant Easter grass :)

    Decoupage using white glue and pretty tissue paper. These look so gorgeous and a unique craft project! If you have been looking for some lovely inspiration for Easter holidays this sure deserves a try.

    This should help with the supplies and the basic technique! Let your creative juices flow :)

    Love these funny quirky egg cozies! Made of felt, these would make perfect Easter gift for friends and co-workers. Whimsical little gem!

    Stunning design! Simple punched paper designs have been scoured and placed with such an artistic flair. Beautiful design, this just elevates punched paper craft to a whole new level!

    Stuffed cloth eggs. Love the country feel and the fabulous patterns! If you are as much an admirer of country cottage decor. This is perfect for your home. Can't get over the tailor's tape place mat either : P

    Use simple floral stickers or punch some pretty designs and decorate plastic/foam eggs in no time! Specially good if you have impatient little ones who are just getting into crafting.

    Bright polka dots on rainbow colored eggs! Egg hunting would be so much fun with these bright eggs peeking out from the grass :D

    Dainty wild flowers placed in egg shells! Something so simple and stunning. Pick some spring blooms and create a unique centerpiece or decoration for foyer table. Lovely freshness.

    Quite out of tune with Easter holiday but these are just so fabulous! Dress up some boiled eggs with tomatoes and olives. A sprig of fresh coriander and some cloves and whole black pepper :D Book mark it for Halloween craft! Kids will squeal with delight!!

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