
Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

My Interview

Earlier this week, I did an interview on my Kelsey's Blog, Mama Mazzone!  She interviews working moms! :)

Here was my interview...

Give me a brief bio on yourself, your family, business etc.

Hello! :)  My name is Bonnie Donahue!!  I have been married for 9 1/2 years to my high school sweetheart!!  Together we have 3 children ages 6 1/2 (Grace), almost 5 (Michael) and 3 (Matthew).  I am also 6 1/2 months pregnant right now (with another boy). I blog at House of Grace

Prior to becoming a stay at home momma, I was a Certified Person Trainer and loved it!  I always had a passion to help because get healthy and look and feel their best!!!  I even tried going back to work when my daughter was one and she wanted nothing to do with the childcare and I didn't blame her so I quit!  About 2 years ago, I started my own business that I can do from home.  NO childcare!!  

I was looking for something that I believed in, fit in schedule, helped people and I can actually make money from.  Shaklee was the only thing that came to my mind!  It just made sense to me plus I have been using and loving their products since I was younger.  It was one of the best desisions that I ever made!

What is the best part about working from home?

Well, actually working from home!  I have an extremely busy lifestyle right now.  I am in that season of my life where my kids need me at home!  I have many responsablities on my plate and there is no way that me working outside the home would work.  My husband works loooong hours so I take care of most home maintenance and running everything.  Plus, my children go to a private school where busing is not available so I am busy driving the kids to and from school anywhere from 45 min-2 hours a day because of the distance I drive and the staggered time schedules.  I love that I can work around nap schedules and after bed.  

Another thing that I love about my business is that I truly enjoy doing it!!  I actually like doing something other than child raising, cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, etc.  I love my job as a mom and consider that my full-time job but I like the change!  Plus, I am actually building a passive income for my family and a business that I can run even after my kids are in school.  I am not just trading time for money, I am investing my time for my future and helping others do the same thing!  It's a great feeling!!

I also love all the new friendships I have made so far!!  Since I do a lot online, I work with women all over the country and in Canada too!  We are a tight group with a huge support team!  It is great to work for yourself but not by yourself!!

How do you balance your family life and running your own business? 

Great question!  This was actually something that I had to learn and tweak over time.  Actually, I am constantly changing this because my family's needs are changing and I work around them.  In the beginning, I strictly worked at naps and after the kiddos were in bed.  Remember, my husband works long hours!  So, I needed something to do besides watch TV.  TV just rots your brain anyway.  I am the kind of person that hates wasting time.  

As my business grew and I started earning a full-time income, I changed my schedule.  First, I hired a cleaning service to come every other week and a momma's helper one day a week so I can spend a full day on my business.  This really helped me out!!  I know that when I am with my kids, I am "with" my kids and when I am working, I am "working"!  Also, I never work on the weekends because I save that time for my family!

What does a typical day look like for you?

Again, this seems to change for me.  But it usually goes something like this: 

wake up
get kids ready
drive kids to school
clean up house
puzzle, books with Matthew
pick up Michael
Matthew naps
I work
Michael plays computer next to me
pick up Grace
after school activites
clean up house again
reading with kids
family prayers
bed for kids
I work
time with hubby

What do you do to unwind?

I like to go to the gym but to be honest, I have not been great during this pregnancy...oops!  I also LOVE reading with my kids at night.  We do this every night and it seems to melt any troubles away!!  I also really love hanging out with my hubby.  We talk,  I have him rub my back, we go on regular dates, we have movie nights, I have him read to me, (is that weird?  I am like a child but it is very relaxing, lol!).  I also love bubble baths and take a couple a week!

What advice do you give to a busy mom who wants to start her own business?

The best advice I can give would be to start something that you love!!  Figure out what your goals are, make an action plan, schedule in your work hours and have fun!!  It is not always easy so it is nice if you can find a support team like I did.  It makes the world of a difference!!

Thanks Kelsey for asking great questions!!

If anyone else has any other questions for me, just let me know if the comments and I will do another post like this! :)

Have a great day!!

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