
Jumat, 13 Juli 2012

Pot of Good and Plenty

Happy Weekend!

We are back with another guest post~ YAY!

Please welcome Alison. :)  She is an amazing friend, Wife and Mother! I recently met Alison and we clicked right away.  She is so nice, smart, caring and fun!  Her heart is the size of the moon!! Meet Alison.

Hi! It's Alison from Making a McHome again and I'm so glad to have another chance to guest post on House of Grace today. 


Actually, Kent ate all of the Good and Plenty, but nevertheless- this DIY B-day gift is so easy and everyone oohd and aaad over my 5 minutes of easy work! You may have seen some similar ones floating around What you need: candy/ optional gift cards /

1. Hot glue skewers to the back of each candy box 

2. Place foam square in pot  

3. Cover square with moss 

4. Place largest box in back middle 

5. Arrange from there!

So easy! 

I'll definitely be remaking this one for Kent on his B-day although I'll be subbing mini bottles for him. :) I also saw one with cigars for a new dad! So many possibilities...

Thanks for letting me share with you today!

Be sure to follow along or keep up with the fun in real-time.  

Thanks so much Alison!  This gives me a ton of neat ideas.  You rock!  Thanks for sharing and I hope that you are having a great weekend!

Bonnie :)

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