
Jumat, 06 Juli 2012

Grinding your own Flour

One healthy change we made years ago was that we grind our own grain into flour.  My Mom started this  about 12 or so years ago so when I got married, I made sure to get my own grinder too!

I buy organic whole wheat and organic red wheat.

This is my grinder.

It is called The Kitchen Mill from K-TEC.  I don't remember why we bought this one but I like.

We grind a lot of flour at once and then freeze it so it stays fresh.

I don't bake a lot because I don't like to and I don't really think I am good at it so we do not make our own bread.  I know people would ask me that, lol!  I wish I did but I buy the organic bread from Trader Joes.  I use my flour for things like pancakes, waffles, etc.

I buy the grain in bulk.  As you can see, I have two 25 pounds buckets.  They last a really long time and we store them in the basement.

I honestly don't remember where we ordered them from.  I usually have my mom order it for me when she places an order.

Do you grind your own grain?

Do you bake?

What is your favorite thing to make?

Have a great day!

Bonnie :)

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