
Rabu, 06 Juni 2012

My Basement Bathroom

Hello! :)  How are you today??

If you have been following along, you know that over the winter, we finished off our basement.  We added a bathroom down here and I love it!!  I wanted to share some photos with you.

It is a very small bathroom.  We wish that we made it a little bigger but we can't change that now.

I believe that we purchased everything from Home Depot.  I went with a very light color scheme of white and cream.

You can see what we bought on my basement pinterest board.

I thought this faucet was neat looking.

The light is Martha Stewart!

I bought these shelves from Target.

The towels are from Target and my personal care products are all Shaklee!

We put in a full shower.

I really like our shower head!

Here is another view.  You can see that everything is tight because of the room size.

I thought this towel was so cute!

Here is a couple more pictures for you.

So that is the grand tour of our basement bathroom! 

We are pleased with it and already had several people stay in our guest room and take advantage of our new bathroom so we are happy!

Do you have a finished basement?

Did you put a shower of bath in it?

Do you use it?

Have a great day!

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