
Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

Welcome Baby Andrew

Over the weekend, we welcomed little Andrew John into the world! 

He was induced a week late and was my hardest and longest delivery by far.  He was 8.6 pounds and 21 1/2 inches long. I am glad that part is over now and I can just enjoy my little baby!

We love him so much and I can't believe how little he is.  I am trying to enjoy every moment with him because I know he will grow up soooo fast.  I just love his newborn smell and I can just stare at him for hours.

Scott stayed home this week to help and so I can rest.  Next week, I am solo so I am taking advantage now.  I will let you know how the transition is.  I am a very positive person so I am hoping everything will be ok, Scott is nervous, lol!

Here are some photos that were taken of us at the hospital.

We love him and feel very blessed to have him!

To see more photos of our everyday life, follow House of Grace on Facebook! :)

Thanks so much for all your comments, emails, thoughts and prayers.

Have a great day!

Don't forget to order your natural sunscreen today!

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