
Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

8 Simple Steps to get healthy TODAY

Good morning!!  How are you today?  Any plans? 
Today, we have a guest post by one of my personal friends, Claire, who blogs at Claire's Healthy Home!

Claire is so amazing!!!  She is so caring, loving and helping...and a whole lotta fun!!!  She loves life and is on a mission to help women and families.  I admire her and her goals in life.  

Please welcome Claire...

Are you a busy mom on the GO?  

Do you desire a more healthy lifestyle for you and your family?  

Do you struggle with action and committing?  

Or are you confused about where to start?  

You are NOT alone!  

Most people want to get healthy, feel better, have more energy and look younger yet they feel they are too busy to make it happen.  Then discouragement sets in.  I know because I struggle with this all too! 

Prior to making some important changes in my life and family, I was a burned out mom.  I was feeling sick, depressed, tired all the time and had very little energy.  

My role in life was changing from mommy to mom, my husband had a stressful job, we had gotten ourselves into some debt and my passion for life had seemed to just be gone.  

It was time for some serious CHANGE, but even the thought of that overwhelmed me. I thought I needed a major overhaul (and I did!) but I thought I had to do it ALL at once.  That thought crippled me until I decided to change that thought.  

Who says I have to do it all?  I think it was just me telling myself that.  

Is this you too?  It is freeing to get rid of that crippling thought and I must remind myself of this often.

If you are FED UP with this reality, then I invite you to get serious and find some new habits that will serve you and your family better.  

Take it ONE STEP at a time. 
Healthy living shouldn’t feel hard… should feel GOOD!

Here are my 8 Simple Steps to get started TODAY!

1.  Drink a full glass of water first thing in the morning.

2.  Grab a few fresh fruits on your way out every day.

3.  Avoid eating out for lunch.

4.  Exercise daily.

5.  Drink herbal teas.

6.  Eat a handful of nuts around 3pm.

7.  Breath Deeply and Pray.

8.  Get enough sleep.

Commit to action and start feeling GOOD!

Which one will you start with?

A commitment is always more successful when you surround yourself with like-minded and encouraging people.  I invite you to plug in here for community support.  

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Then JOIN OUR FACEBOOK COMMUNITY for more tips and ideas and accountability.

Thanks so much Claire for sharing! :)

Have a great day!


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