
Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Kids Doing Chores

With four children, I really want to teach them how to help around the house and learn how to do things for themselves.  This is not always easy but it is something that needs to be done.

I try to start when they are little because that is when they love helping and being praised for doing it.

People often ask me about this and right now I give the kids little jobs to help but nothing too big right now.  I have them clean up their rooms, toys, make their own bed (not daily though- we need to get better with this), help with the dishes, they can sweep, vacuum and occasionally put some laundry away.  I am pretty relaxed about this because when I got pregnant with Andrew, I hired a cleaning service for the deep cleaning but I still want to teach the kids to be responsible for their own things. 

The ages of my kids are 7, 5, 3, and almost 4 months.

Today, I want to share a little video with you showing an example of how I do this.

Here is Matthew (age 3) helping with the dishwasher.  He loves his chores and really feels like he is helping.
(I did have to "help" a little in the video but I thought he was going to break the door.  He didn't like being "helped")

As you can see in the video, we use Shaklee's Dish Detergent and LOVE it!!  You saw that we only use a little bit.  I never pre-rinse anything and they are always clean.  Plus, because it is non-toxic, the kids can actually help me by putting it in the dishwasher and it won't leave any nasty chemical residue on our dishes.

You might of also seen our oven grates in the dishwasher.  I throw those in the dishwasher about once a week and that seems to works great!

What chores do you give your kids?

How do they respond?

Do you have a rewards chart or incentive?

Happy cleaning!

Bonnie :)

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