
Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

Home Tour: Living Room

Happy Monday!!!

I am so glad that you are loving my home tour.  Thank you for all your comments. :)  It's about time I did this.  I figured I would show you before we move, lol!

Today is our living room!

This is another very simple room!  (That seems to be theme around here.)  I really wanted a perfectly detailed and decorated home but it was taking more time than I wanted to spend so simple it is!!  Plus, we always have so much "stuff" out that we use on a regular

The paint color in here in called, Fairway Oaks from Benjamin Moore.  

The painting, clock, and pillows are all from garage sales and everything else in the room is from my Mother-in-Law.

Ok, I forgot, this Pottery Barn lamp is from a garage sale too! (Yes, I know, we have the best sales around here.)

I didn't want to curtains in here and I feel that it makes this room clean and simple.

Oh, wait......we can't forgot about my husband's trophy over here, lol.  

He is very proud! 

So, there you go! That is our very simple living room!

It is mostly used for cuddling up to read.

Do you have a living room?

What do you use it for?

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Have a great day!

Bonnie :)

Also, I just changed my button.  Can you please add it to your blog?

Thanks xoxo


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