
Senin, 12 November 2012

Christmas Decoration: Ideas for Black Christmas trees!

Christmas tree is available in so many colors, and if you have been thinking about getting one and not yet made up your mind, here are some ideas to help decide! Black Christmas trees are surely non traditional but they do make a statement. And if you are looking at a modern, fun yet gorgeous Christmas Tree, Black is a good choice!

Black provides a depth and flair unparallelled to any other color. Dark rich metallic decorations go best with it. Think purple, blue, coral pink, red, green and of course gold and silver. There are so many ways to decorate a truly unique, eye-catching Christmas tree for your home!

Rich metallic colors look great with black. Vibrant combination of jewel tones of purple, emerald and fuchsia looks stunning! Garland of ribbon, baubles and holiday cards is a cute diy idea too.

Love this unusual combination! Coral pink and hint of silver on black is absolutely in trend. A very non traditional Christmas decoration but perfect for those who love experimenting.

Draw inspiration from your home decor, choose a color combination that is from among the colors in your decor. It would elevate the whole look to a new level. Black and gold is so classy!

Gray and blue decoration creates a original and tranquil Christmas tree. Butterfly decorations are unique and combines well with modern black Christmas tree. So lovely!

Go natural, simple die cut paper decorations and dried floral sticks. Keep the theme going with brown and black gift wrappings to create a very subtle and elegant Christmas decoration.

Black grand piano is the focal furniture, and black Christmas tree fits in perfectly! The garland, wreath and tree in black is chic and purple adds just the pop of color to this living room.

Upside down tree is my favourite when it comes to fun ideas! Black Christmas tree with gold and black baubles hanging down is so freaking cute. A very young modern interpretation. Love!

Rich colors, gorgeous wall paper and a lovely fireplace! Dream combination for Christmas. A simple black tree decorated in complimentary colors of purple, gold and fuchsia. Amazing!!

Different hues of gold make this dining room look absolutely festive. Black Christmas tree is balanced by the white and grays. Table setting in gold and white is simple sophistication!

By now we have seen so many gold, purple and black combination. This is a little more dramatic and oozes glamour. Unique, a part Gothic and part burlesque, a modern twist to holiday decoration.

Silver and black can never go wrong! Lot of different silver embellishments on a black Christmas tree looks fabulous. Tres chic!

Please leave your thoughts, they inspire us!

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