
Senin, 19 November 2012

How To Organize School Papers

Happy Monday! :)
How are you doing today?  Are you ready for Thanksgiving?  Are your kids off this week? My kids have school until Wednesday this week.  
This is a great time to get organized for Christmas and the new year.  
One the hardest things to organize can be PAPER!!!  Right?  We always get to much of it that it can be overwhelming.
Today, we have Krysta here to help us out. 

Please welcome Krysta from


How To Organize School Papers

If you have kids in school, you know how many papers come home!  Then the decision becomes what to keep and what to throw!  I’m not one to keep every little drawing my kids do, in fact my husband will tell you that at times I get a little too “trash-happy”.  :)   I once threw out a very large check we were expecting because I thought it was junk….yeah, Oops.
Anyway, without further ado!

I started this after my oldest had been in school for a couple of years, so I went back through piles of stuff and it felt so great to get it organized!
I bought 3 storage bins at Office Max: a large one for each child and a smaller one for my son’s gymnastics programs.  I used hanging folders and labeled them with their name, grade and teacher.  I just labeled the fronts with their initial to keep them straight.


I decided to choose a couple of special art projects along with test scores, report cards and the yearbook.  It’s fun to go through the older folders and looks at their old projects!



In the smaller bin, I have organized my son’s gymnastics competition programs by level.  You could do this with just about any sport to keep pictures, scores, etc. organized!


This way we are able to go back and look at his scores from the previous years and see how much he has improved!

Hope this helps!  How do you keep school papers organized?
Thanks Krysta! :)

Visit Krysta for more ideas.

How do you organize?  What system do you use?
Please post a comment.

Have a great day!
Bonnie :)

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