
Rabu, 14 November 2012

Thanksgiving decoration: 10 Easy last minute craft ideas!

Thanksgiving decoration ideas; some really quick last minute inspiration for decorating your home. Simple and budget friendly ways to add the extra dose of style and beauty to your Thanksgiving decor. Surprise your family and friends with these nifty crafts. You will love displaying them!

These ideas are perfect for those busy and are trying their hands at craft for the first time. Hope you find some inspiration here! Happy Thanksgiving :)

Go rustic chic! An old fruit basket filled with flowers and fruits in autumn colors. It cannot get easier than this ;)

An impressive yet ready in no time craft for a gorgeous centerpiece! Fill glasses with tomatoes place tiered plates/trays with bay leaves as decoration. Use your own substitutes too. Done!

Love this! Craft store baskets filled with beautiful scented fall goodies. Use floral foam and knitting needle to hold the baskets in place. Fill up and decorate. Absolutely gorgeous!!

A wonderful all natural table decoration. A branch with lovely fall leaves in a small pot. Added texture of small burlap sack. Little bunches of flowers. Love the lively yellow color theme too.

Natural texture and color of pumpkin is so exotic that even a bunch of them tastefully displayed looks pretty. A very simple approach to holiday decorating!

A few branches of ginkgo tree and wild shrubs look perfect for fall-autumn decor. Turn to nature for inspiration, it has so many shades and shapes to offer :)

Its easy to find wheat sheaf during autumn months. add a bunch of bright flowers for the pop of color. An elegant twist for a rustic style wreath. Perfect for last minute rush!

An old grapes charger or wreath base can come in handy. Few sprigs of herbs and flowers looks charming when put together. It is a very rustic feel and is perfect for cottage style decor.

A really cute idea to engage kids on Thanksgiving holiday. A simple walnut shell, leaves, twig, and play dough sail boat. Float them in a bowl, will look cute on window sill or even console table!

A lovely way to dress up the window. Clean the leaves and to keep them supple and pretty spread a vaseline over them. Tie with dental floss or sewing thread. Hang on window rod!

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